Thank You and Farewell! (My Two Books Are on

me and a buck, hiking through time

Dear Global Visitors,

After close to twenty thousand visits and over 600 posts, I am wrapping it up. Thank you for everyone’s interest over the last three years! 🙂

I spent my first thirty years of meditation, including my first twelve years with Guru Dev, without discussing my experiences. It is time to return to such a discipline.

For anyone interested in this knowledge of Brahman, my two books are available on These include all essays from the blog, except the last 20:

  1. Brahman – Learning to Thrive in Paradise, Essays on Living Cosmic Life
  2. The Science of Brahman, The Eighth State of Consciousness

The planet is well on its way to a better future! Enjoy! 🙂

~ Jai Guru Dev ~

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